Add ProjectTink-her-Hack is an all-Kerala women's exclusive hackathon by TinkerHub Women in Tech. It seeks to bring together women from various campuses across Kerala to learn, develop, and be inspired.
24th February, 2024
25th February, 2024
03:00 PM
11:00 AM
Completed the virtual try on in live camera
Backend completed successfully and working on design
Back end completed
Front end completed
Changed the color of the layout and background in the style css of the pomodoro timer
Added additional html code in pomodoro timer for time options and times of running
We have completed project successfully using html,java script,uss
We have successfully completed our to-do list website project utilizing javascript, css, and html.
Created and modifying pose detection and shirt try on on live camera
Created the project for password strength check using python,javascript and html to make the website
Made a book review website with the help of github and edited the code to add changes
Created a program with the count of strength using python
Created code by verifying whether the code is good ,weak or moderate
Created a new code for the program by using html
Created password strength code to vheck the strength
Front design ongoing.
We create whether forecast web site .for creating website by using html & css. we study about creating whether forecast web site and for setting location ,whether , time. if the person open the website at morning the background setting will change as sunrise picture and also change the background at noon ,evening and night. and we learn applying the icons.
We have begun developing the frontend interface using react to create a dynamic and responsive user experience.
Python code is developing for the project. verified the output whether the password contains uppercase lower case and numbers .
Created password strength checker
Created a quote generator and added new quotes and changes
Pomodoro timer project made edits
Created new repository named as to-do-list
Completed the project.
1. repository link added - 9th march 2024 around 3:30 pm 2. project ideation submission - around 5 pm 3. readme updation - around 7 pm 4. project partial completion - around 8:30 pm 5. initial project presentation - 9:00 pm 5. project completion - 10th march around 11 am 6. project final presentation - 12:37 pm
Finally, a chart (graph) showing the monthly expenses incurred was displayed and styled by t s parvathy. file name: tracker.html here, we learned how to add an external library 'chart.js' library to our html document and modify it according to the requirements of our project. languages used: html, css, javascript this marks the end of our project and updates. thank you.
The main logic, i.e., the calculation and display of total expenses incurred and the monthly saving available was completed by veenus josey and sandra viswanath. file name: index.html. here, we learned how to link an html document, styled using css, to a separate javascript file where the logic for the functionality is implemented. languages used: html, css, javascript
Login page design completed by malavika s we were able to learn and understand the nuances involved in creating and admitting an authorized user to the website through the login page. languages used: html, javascript, css(internal)
On 9th march 2024 around 5pm we finalised the basic idea about our project topic - budget tracker
9am-the whole project is ready. 10:30am-project is pushed to github. 11am-presented the whole project.
Finally all the readme file features are completed.
The works are added to github repository
A to do list website was also created using html .
Completed the ui part
Created the function to find the hotspots
Created database
Completed the project.
Project completed and final github push done
Decided to implement using python
Project topic decided and project name finalized as audiogen
Completed the project
Project completed. hosted the site
Front end and back end completed
Application software successfully developed using python.
Project completed
All project files have been pushed
Frontend pushed into github.
The frontend development for the project has been successfully completed, featuring an intuitive and responsive user interface. furthermore, data storage mechanisms have been implemented, ensuring secure and efficient storage of user data locally within the web browser. testing and validation procedures have been conducted, confirming the seamless functionality of both frontend features and data storage capabilities.
Learnt the basics of javascript
Project completed
All files and datas are uploaded to github repository
Working on connection part
Created login page for supplier
Working on with the final backend. added new pages.
Working on the project using html and css in vs code platform
-learnt the use of git and github -started coding with visiual studio code. -use of html -using css
Learned the inbuilt functions in tkinter library of python and app interface generation using python.
Frontend created.
Stored some data into localhost
Has completed todo list and pomodoro timer
Checkbox for each type of character is added.example-if uppercase character is there then checkbox for that will be filed with green color, if upper and lower case both type is there then, for both the checkbox will be filled and so on.
We created a website for portfolio.and we entered all the details..
4am-javascript code almost ready.
Successfully updated 8 pages of our website.
Frontend almost completed
Password is being validated. the strength of the password is checked and will show the result using colorful power bar i.e if the password is weak then the color of the power bar is red, if moderate then yellow and so on.
Frond-end get completed
12:00-html code almost ready and css integration started.
Homepage added
Created the login page for donor
7:30: started building on html code. 8:00: basic learning on javascript completed. 9:00: start building javascript code.
Started doing the front-end of our project.
Successfully completed first four pages of our website using html and css.
Started working on the front-end using html,css
Created base structure using html
Motivational quotes are added to page
Login page is created
Created the repository and made user interface using html.
Created about page
Page to display previous schedules created
Login page created
Created the home page
Coding process of the application in progress.
Created the er diagram for the website
\*7:30: outline and ideation completed.
Started the implementation of interface and decided to work with python program language.
Decided to use python to implement the project.
Application interface design under progress.
Project name 'list & check' is finalised.
Finalized the topic(pomodoro timer) for the project.
Then created a research paper recommendation system by analysing a dataset provided. finally integrating summarization and recommendation of research papers in a website
Develop a pdf summarization tool to automatically generate concise summaries from pdf documents using python
Feature added - add quesitions filter search edit delete stats heat map streaks notes pdf generation
Updated readme.md according to new change and features
Added buttons for reading quote out loud and another button for sharing quote through mail.
We added more algorithms to choose from to encrypt and decrypt text and then added a download button to download the encrypted or decrypted text. hosted the website and created a demo video representing the usage of the website.
We created a simple website which does encryption and decryption based on an algorithm from crypto js library.
we decided to build a website to do simple encryption and decryption of text messages.
Final git push done, repo and readme updated
Done final review
Project programmed by anagha robert assisted by afla rishad and aliya rasheed
We are creating a todolist website. created a simple and intuitive to-do list website using flask as the backend framework. this project utilizes html, css, and javascript for the front-end, while flask handles server-side logic.
Homecare pro website is user-friendly website for common people to find maintainance workers at their location. it contains homepage, login page, about ,services, contacts, logout, demoview page. we created front-end design using html, css, and javascript .
Obtained required output
Housecare pro website is a user-friendly website,used by common people for finding maintainance workers nearby their location.in this website contains a home page,login page,about,contact,services,logout,demo view for understanding of users.
Frontend features developed and files pushed into the repo. database created and populated
The book data updated
Executed the first run of the project
Completed the outline of java script
Installed node.js of java script
Complete outline of css
Complete outline of html
Project topic change to pomodoro timer
We have created a deep learning model and calculated the accuracy where on training data we got an accuracy of 0.81. we also created a webapp and now we can upload our image in it
Main functionalities added and files pushed into repository.
Updated ui design of the website, added responsive animation in the background and animated quotes beginning
Readme updated in repository
Updated readme.md and html and css codes on github
Created base html and css file for website
L create a pomodoro timer website using html, css, javascript.
Server.js: node.js file for the backend
script.js: javascript file for client-side functionality.
Using css we styled the program
Using html created an outline
We have performed image processing of a single number plate of a car, extracted the text in number plate and added that text into an excel sheet.
Created backend for managing task.
Started coding
Installed the required softwares
Learnt about github and how it works
Selected the problem statement 'to do list'.
Installed python, flask, vs code for the project
Selected an idea to develop a to do list app
Planning to create a website based on pomodoro timer from problem statement
Planning to create a website for users where they can find about there prefered book from the readers
Planning to create a website based on budget managing
Finally we finished.. gouri did the homepage which contains login, sign up, about. anna mathews and anna yacob together created the design for our medsphere website using figma..they have improved a lot and shows their ability. and from my part , i found my first successful code of python with flask used to connect to the homepage. also done the creation of patient and doctor portal. we have planned many super features for this website..and we done as much as we can.. thank you..
Hacking ends! will work on our project.
Coding of backend done partially
Created a basic project front-end using html and css.
Completed the certificate generation web-certifygen
Subseye- a watch over subscriptions features planned: reminders, could add on as many subscriptions, provides the billing details plus the last date to be renewed. it can be used wherever we are anywhere anytime just a click at subseye the subscriptions details would be crystal clear. project completed.
Project completed.
Final project completed
Created a front end but faced trouble while integrating firebase.
Creating video link(loom)
Creating read me
"we've embarked on the creation of medsphere, a dedicated platform designed to securely archive a patient's complete medical history. this comprehensive solution, accessible to all hospitals and doctors, ensures the integrity of medical records by granting exclusive editing privileges to healthcare professionals. with a core feature preventing patient alterations while allowing doctor edits, we've augmented this platform with additional delightful functionalities."
Final project completed.
-> created a webpage that has customer details -> added order details ->added a button to generate a bill after calculating total
The design that is in figma is convereted to html code
Have almost completed finishing process.
Linked all the components in home page "about us " in header is made as a component and is linked to page containing details about "about us". simmilaraly "services" in header of homepage is made as a component and linked to corresponding page in login ,the compnents are added is made to input text .
Heading to the final touch-up. still trying to setup database connection.
Given an option to login to the website with username and password.can share the generated certificate on facebook and twitter.
Developed new encryption/decryption code. aes encryption/decryption developed and runs in terminal,
Integrating and debugging the project
First draft done. still working on comparison. thinking of making a very simple user interface.
Comparison done. but looks like it needs corrections
Patient\_portal is ready.
Done with caeser cypher encryption and decryption. working on aes decryption
75% front end completed with 50% accuracy!
Created the registration page for the users. studied basic designing in figma and canva.
Gui have been completed fully.
Doctor's interface is ready.
Created design for page 2 it contain " about us" with description created design for page 3 it is the follow of service button in header of home page . in this the header contain the name of the page "services provided" and three types of services provided by this website is also shown created design of page 4 with features like "contact a councellor" ,"visit your nearest doctor" and " journals".by selecting any if these options user will be able to acess the services of this website baymax
Decryption code for aes is also completed.
Decryption code for rsa is completed.
Extraction done
Created a sample certificate generator.
Extraction base done
Design of our whole idea is coming to the final stage.
Home page connected with backend (python with flask).
Home page connected with backend.
Gui partially have been completed.
Encryption code for rsa also have been completed.
Encryption code for aes have been completed
Creating a new algorithm for encryption and decryption.
Working on extraction
Search function done.
Design for the website using figma is going. backend is on progressing.
Generated a website that inputs user details and provides the ability to upload a template of the user's choice.based on the inputed information, a pdf will be generated certifying the user with the entered accreditation.
Created 2 html pages ,firebase.json and python namely hackherhive1.py,both html pages are completed and python is partially completed.
Successfully integrated encryption phase
Created a login page for our website started learning django and mysql created a home page learned how to push a code into github
page 1-design of home page conisting of login details and site name ,logo,header - about ,services,home.
Created frontend databases created working on backend
Added more sites to the search function
Made a basic scraping tool with selenium
So far we have completed our login and home page.
Created github repository and made all members as collaborators.
Completed log in page and about section.this would help admins and users to log in to the main page.about section let people know what the website is all about.now trying to create the main section.
Created github repo and added all the team members as collaborators. working on frontend and back-end. integrated the apis into back-end.
1/4th of frontend has been completed and working on supabase.
Created the home page and login page for the medsphere. from home page we can navigate to the login page.
Frontend successfully implemented
Integrate the algorithms(caeser and aes) and streamlit.
We have finalized our idea and distributed our works. webpage for the doctor's phase is created just need style it up.
Learned to push into git
We've finalized the website design and have started the development phase. currently, we're working on implementing front-end functionalities using html. it is being used to structure the content of the website, defining elements such as headers, paragraphs, lists, and links. as development progresses, more html elements and attributes will be incorporated to enhance the website's functionality and user experience.
Developed code of aes encryption and decryption . created primary interface with streamlit.
Almost completed html and css . now we are going to work on js
Combined html and css to make the site interactive.
Developed code for caeser encryption and decryption.
Idea has been finalized. learned about how git and github works. code started.
Set up git accounts for all the members
Learned about git and basic working of github
Learned to work with streamlit. analysed encryption algorithms
Topic finalised and working on it.
Installed git and visual studio code..
Sorted the way to build the project
Completed github setup.
Idea fixed and learned about git pr
Completed project setup.
Idea finalized!
Pre-requisite completed.
Languages: learning the local language is essential for international students to fully immerse themselves in the culture and communicate effectively. providing language learning resources, such as youtube links, can be valuable.
Part-time jobs and internships: many students studying abroad may seek part-time employment or internships to support themselves financially and gain valuable experience. this feature can provide resources and job listings to assist them in finding opportunities.
Events: providing information on both college events and local events can help students feel more integrated into the community. it can also give them opportunities to socialize and explore their new surroundings.
Accommodation: information on accommodation options in the locality is crucial for students planning to study abroad. this feature can provide details on housing options, rental prices, and tips for finding suitable accommodation.
Simple connection: this feature allows students to connect with peers in the locality where they are considering studying. this can help alleviate some of the anxieties associated with moving to a new place by providing a support network.
Idea finalised
Location-based filtering: implement a search and filtering system that allows users to specify their current location and desired destination when searching for other users or resources on the website.
User registration and profile creation: allow users to create accounts with info such as their name,hometown,location they want to settle in, educational institution
Using html for front end. figma for ux design.