Unity Wild

Unity wild gives out an alert when a wild animal is detected in forest boundaries


The animal detection website is built with HTML, CSS, and Python. This simple yet effective combination of HTML, CSS, and Python & with the assistance of a library function like Opencv, gives out an alert to all the users of Unity WIld.During this time of the year where human lives are taken by wild animals, this site helps us to create harmony by alerting everyone and avoiding possible interference


  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Python


  1. Users can upload an image of a wild animal upon detection at the boundary of the forest
  2. The image is scanned and detects what animal that is
  3. Alert goes to the forest department and the required officials.
  4. Alert is also received by people 5km near the animal has been detected
  5. User-friendly interface with stylish design



Afla Rishad
Anagha Robert
Afla Rishad
Aliya Rasheed

Project programmed by Anagha Robert Assisted by Afla RIshad and Aliya Rasheed

3 March 2024

Project created by Afla Rishad

2 March 2024