Imagination Inn

ImaginationInn provides a community forum for all book lovers where they could fantasize about the characters.


Welcome to ImaginationInn! This platform is designed to provide a collaborative space for readers to discuss and share their thoughts about various books. Whether you're an avid reader, a literature enthusiast, or someone looking for book recommendations, this forum is the perfect place to engage with fellow book lovers.


  1. User Authentication: Users can create accounts, log in, and participate in discussions.
  2. Book Listings: Explore a collection of books with details like title, author, and cover image.
  3. Discussion Threads: Engage in discussions by creating, commenting, and replying to threads about specific books.
  4. User Profiles: Users have personalized profiles displaying their information, read books, and book wish list.

Technologies Used

  1. React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  2. Firebase: A platform for building web and mobile applications with features like authentication and Firestore.
  3. Firestore: A NoSQL cloud database by Firebase for storing user data and book information.
  4. A JavaScript library for real-time web applications with bidirectional communication.

Maheswari Darish
Maheswari Darish
A Nisha
Maria Susan Mathew

Project created by Maheswari Darish

9 March 2024