BlogVerse is a web-based blogging platform that allows users to easily create and manage their own blogs.
Welcome to the BlogVerse. This is a simple web page that allows users to create blog posts. The web page is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL. The web page is responsive and optimized for desktop and mobile devices.
Preview Image
Core Features
- User authentication: Users can sign up, log in, and log out of the web page.
- Create blog posts: Users can create new blog posts with a title and body.
- View blog posts: Users can view all blog posts.
Development Notes
- The web page is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL.
- The web page uses the Bootstrap framework for responsive design.
- The web page uses PHP for database connectivity.
- The web page uses the MySQL database to store user information.
- Validation for user information is done through simple JavaScript.
In conclusion, the BlogVerse offers a robust platform for users to create, blog posts with ease, backed by a secure and efficient database system for user information storage.
IT 09 Ardra S R
Ardra S R
Aksa Susan Abraham
Razan Thaha
Project created by IT 09 Ardra S R
6 March 2024