This project is a website that provides a learning platform for sign languages. It also includes a test after each level.
We created this project to help people learn ASL for free. For implementing this project we used platforms like HTML,CSS and JavaScript.
The home page gives a small description about ASL and helps to get familiarized with the alphabets. There is "login now" button at the end of this page that redirects the user to the login page.
In the login page the user can enter username and password and enter Level 1.
In level we provide a video lesson. On completion of the video user can attempt the quiz by clicking on "Take Quiz Now" and test their understanding.
The Quiz contains 5 questions. Out of 5 if the user gets all of them correct then they can proceed to the next level. Otherwise a try again button is displayed which is redirected to the video lesson page.
Project created by Gowri Lakshmi