The "Pass-Strong" project assesses the strength of passwords entered by users and suggest strong meaningful passwords.
The Pass-Strong project analyses user-entered passwords and suggests strong meaningful passwords.It prompts users to input their desired password and then analyzes it based on various criteria such as length, complexity, and presence of common patterns. It suggests meaningful passwords by accepting inputs from users including their personal favorites.
- Javascript
- Password Input: Users can input their desired password into the tool.
- Strength Assessment: The tool analyzes the password based on length, complexity, and common patterns.
- Password Suggestions: Suggests strong passwords by taking user favorites as inputs and adding special characters to it automatically.
- Security Checking: In case of forgetting the password, it once again asks the same inputs that they have given earlier and compares them with the new inputs to ensure security.
Sreya Joseph
Sreya Anna Joseph
Lara Marium Jacob
Project created by Sreya Joseph
9 March 2024