HandyConnect is an app that connects household services.
HandyConnect App
The Household Worker Connect App is a simple graphical user interface (GUI) application built using Tkinter in Python. It allows users to search for household workers based on their skills.
Users can enter the skill they are looking for in a designated entry field.
The app searches through a database of workers and displays the matched workers in a listbox.
If no workers are found with the specified skill, a message box notifies the user.
Users can exit the application by clicking the exit button.
Make sure you have Python installed on your system.
Clone or download the repository containing the code.
Run the household_worker_connect.py file using Python.
Upon launching the application, a window titled "Household Worker Connect App" will appear.
Enter the skill you are looking for in the provided entry field.
Click the "Search" button to find workers with the specified skill.
The matched workers will be displayed in the listbox.
To exit the application, click the "Exit" button.
Code Structure:
Worker class: Represents a worker with attributes name and skill.
WorkerDatabase class: Manages a list of workers and provides methods to add workers and search for workers by skill.
search_workers function: Retrieves the skill entered by the user, searches for workers with that skill in the database, and displays the results in the listbox.
exit_app function: Terminates the application when the user clicks the exit button.
Sample workers are added to the database for demonstration purposes.
Tkinter GUI setup: Includes labels, entry fields, buttons, and a listbox for user interaction.
Contributions to this project are welcome. You can submit bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests via GitHub.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Thanks to the Tkinter library for providing a simple and effective way to create GUI applications in Python.
Inspiration for this project came from the need for a straightforward tool to connect users with household workers based on their skills.
Project created by Golda John