Creating a noteworthy resume
Resume is one of the crucial things that you have to prepare if you are looking for a job. In this course, we dive deep into creating a great resume.
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12 Lessons

It is not essential to have a lot of experience or skill set to get you that dream job but rather than that making the Hirer feel that you are the right person for the job is enough while preparing a Resume there are some essential things to be followed such as the font size to be used, different fonts, how to list out your details, etc. these all have to be taken seriously if you want that job. A resume evaluator may only spend about 7-10 seconds on average looking through the resumes and your resume may be one among thousands of them so you have to make sure yours is worth reading for.If you guys go through the course in detail about the Resume you'll have an idea about how to build your resume effectively.

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